Book News

WASHINGTON – Two decades since the publication of its first book, the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling continues to draw countless readers into its pages, gaining ground among some faithful initially put off by the much-debated themes of magic and witchcraft.

Book: A compelling, critical look inside Canadian prisons


Down Inside: Thirty Years in Canada’s Prison Service by Robert Clark (Goose Lane Editions, soft cover, 265 pages, $22.95).

Winston Churchill reminded us many years ago that the way we treat crime and criminals is a reliable test of the civilization of any country.

Book: The rise and fall of the Evangelicals


The Evangelicals: The Struggle to Shape America, Frances Fitzgerald, Simon and Shuster, 2017, 740 pages, $35.

Although a child of evangelicalism (my father J.H. Hunter was the longtime editor of a magazine The Evangelical Christian), I learned much about the origins and development of evangelicalism from this incisive and fascinating book by Pulitzer Prize winning author Frances Fitzgerald.

Book: 'Towards Unity' explores golden era of ecumenical dialogue


Five hundred years of division in the Western Christian tradition has yielded 50 years of striving for unity — and some of the best theology of our times, Regina Archbishop Don Bolen said at the launch of a new book of essays on ecumenism.

Book: Practical advice to stop resisting happiness


It smacks us in the face pretty much every day — that sluggish, sinking-in-the-quicksand sensation of knowing what we should be doing, but not doing it.

Top Vatican and U.S. church officials back new gay-friendly book


The Vatican’s point man on family issues and a U.S. cardinal who is close to Pope Francis have both blurbed a new book by a Jesuit priest and popular author that calls on the Catholic Church to be more respectful and compassionate toward gay people.

Archbishop Durocher digs deep into world of psalms


OTTAWA – An idea that took root 15 years ago is now a reality for Archbishop Paul-Andre Durocher.

Priest’s memoir adopts social justice outlook on issue


Given the Church’s steep decline in the Western world in the past 50 years, one would expect defensiveness from a staunch supporter of what Pope Benedict XVI called the “hermeneutics of rupture” interpretation of Vatican II.

Fr. David Bauer was a man of the cloth, a priest of the rink


This quote from Tom Watt, former NHL and Canadian Olympic hockey coach, left me intrigued: “Fr. Bauer is a great Canadian, but I could never get it straight — sometimes when you thought you were talking about hockey, the priest came out of him and sometimes when you thought you were talking to a priest the hockey came out of him.”

Review of 'The Seven Last Words of Christ: Reflections' by Fr. Rosica


What do the last phrases of Christ from the cross teach today’s world?

Canadian bishops' Lent guides should challenge us


No parish or individual Catholic should have to walk into Lent blind.