Fr. Lester Mendonsa said he was transformed by his 11 years of experience as a military chaplain for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) from 2008 to 2019.

Exploring danger, possibilities of genetic editing


With danger comes some interesting prospects in the field of gene therapy and genome editing, Dr. Brett Salkeld believes.

Tale of two chaplains


Richard Bernier was only sworn in as a military chaplain six months ago while Fr. Brad Sweet retired as “padre” on Oct. 19, but the two men share a common approach to their service in the armed forces.

Catholic enrolment scales new heights


Catholic school enrollment has skyrocketed to new heights in many regions across Canada, especially in and around London, Ont., and Saskatoon.

Leo taps pews for pastoral plan


Toronto Archbishop Francis Leo is all ears and wants to hear from clergy and lay parishioners as he helps craft the next pastoral plan for the Archdiocese of Toronto.

Donor pledging to save Nova Scotia parish disappears


The anonymous donor who emerged from nowhere in April to present an offer of $10 million to save and restore the historic 118-year-old Église Sainte-Marie Catholic Church in Church Point, N.S., has seemingly vanished into thin air.

Two sides of integralism, never shall they meet


On Oct. 26, two American professors on opposite ends of a buzzy political philosophy called “Catholic integralism” gave lectures to separate, eager audiences at McGill University. Though the men are more than primed for a public sparring, Montreal didn’t prove to be a site for Adrian Vermeule and Kevin Vallier to meet in the ring.

Trial date set for alleged Alberta church arsonists


Two men from High Prairie, Alta., charged for setting fire to St. Bernard’s Church in Grouard, Alta., on May 22 are slated for trial almost a year to the day later.

Students embrace sacrifice for freedom


Calgary business leader and philanthropist Murray McCann is touched each year by a gesture performed by students from Calgary’s St. Mary’s University in remembrance of those who gave their lives for the freedom they now enjoy.

Consecrated virgins commit to the ultimate groom


A woman standing in a church wearing a white dress and veil is an instantly recognizable image, but for a small yet growing number of Catholic women, the groom that awaits them at the altar is not a nervous young man but Jesus Himself.

Neighbours fight St. Felix Centre’s respite centre


A new respite centre to be run by the St. Felix Centre in downtown Toronto is facing strong opposition from community stakeholders.