A prayer for the Eucharistic Congress 2008

By  Imprimatur Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Archbishop of Quebec, June 19, 2006
  • January 22, 2007

God our Father,
we bless you and give you thanks
for your Son Jesus, the gift of your love
for the life of the world.

Watch over your church as it celebrates in joy and hope
the 49th International Eucharistic Congress.

Renew our faith in the Holy Eucharist,
the memorial of your Son's death and resurrection.

May your Holy Spirit shed its light upon us
and grant us strength
to serve as faithful witnesses to the Gospel.

Nourish us with your Word and your Bread of Life
so that united with Mary,
the Mother of your Divine Son and Mother of the church,
we will bear much fruit
for the salvation of the world.

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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