Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register

Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register

The Google Canada and federal government standoff over Bill C-18, the Online News Act, is over. Links to Canadian media publications will continue to have domain on the world’s most popular search engine after the two sides came to an agreement Nov. 29.

To prepare for Advent, the Archdiocese of Regina has touted the power of ministry.

The Prairie diocese shared this during an interfaith livestream with the Ecumenical Stewardship Committee of the Anglican Diocese of Qu’Appelle and the Saskatchewan Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC).

Barring a last-ditch Christmas miracle, Google Canada will whitewash Canadian news outlets from its search engine beginning Dec. 19, 180 days after Bill C-18, the Online News Act, became law.

November 26, 2023

The persecuted overcome

What 11 saints who overcame persecution or betrayal by their religious superiors or fellow clergy withstood is not unfamiliar in today’s Church, argue Joshua Charles and Alec Torres in their new book.

Knights of Columbus hit milestone in keeping kids warm

Ironically, to understand why many Canadians stomach a system hostile to right-to-life organizations, anti-abortion legislation proposals and any meaningful discussions about pre-born rights or if life begins at conception, you have to look back to the birth of this nation.

Take a moment to meditate on the alluring emotional power of New Year’s Day.

Jan. 1 presents a natural opportunity for many to turn the page on a bad year and begin afresh. It may provide hope that extraordinary possibilities are on the horizon.

More than two years since a suspicious fire destroyed St. Jean Baptiste Parish in Morinville, Alta., the criminal investigation has borne no suspects or arrests.

Archbishop Francis Leo and over 300 pastors of the Toronto archdiocese have taken another step in learning about compassionate palliative and end-of-life care.

“Give hope today. Every $5.38 you donate provides a meal and other resources for someone in need.”