Catholic educators in Saskatchewan are “cautiously optimistic” that two days of hearings in a Regina courtroom will lead to the overturning of a 2017 ruling that threatened the existence of Catholic schools in the province.

Published in Canada

The Ontario government is advancing further along the road of privatization, this time in the area of autism therapies.

Published in Register Columnists
LAGOS, Nigeria – Nigeria's Catholic bishops denounced a resurgence in killings and destruction of property in parts of the country and urged government action to stop the carnage.
Published in International
VATICAN – As the process to implement a peace accord in South Sudan continues, Pope Francis met March 16 with South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and expressed the hope that, finally, he would be able to visit the country.
Published in International

OTTAWA – Some applicants for 2019 Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) grants are receiving troubling notices from the government, said a lawyer from a Canadian charities organization.

Published in Canada
REGINA – The government of Saskatchewan in Canada is arguing that it should be allowed to pay for non-Catholic students to attend Catholic school, appealing a 2017 court decision that could force up to 10,000 students out of Catholic schools because they are not Catholic.
Published in Canada

The heart of the Ottawa imbroglio over SNC-Lavalin can be found in remembering the time Justin Trudeau elbowed a female MP aside to get what he wanted.

Published in Register Columnists

Poverty activists are encouraged by the latest StatsCan numbers showing poverty is on the decline in Canada, but warn that more ambitious programs are needed to end poverty once and for all.

Published in Canada
LIMA, Peru – Catholic Church leaders in Venezuela say a peaceful transfer of power from embattled President Nicolas Maduro to a transitional government, probably led by National Assembly president Juan Guaido, is the best hope for the crisis-wracked country.
Published in International

To much of the world, Britain’s clumsy exit from the European Union, slated to begin March 29, is somewhat of a joke. But to the people of a divided Ireland, particularly Catholics and Protestants in the North, it’s a threat to peace.

Published in Register Columnists

Coquitlam, B.C. – It wasn’t just her dislike of Justin Trudeau’s pro-choice policies that drove Alissa Golob across Canada in a “NO 2 TRUDEAU” van with an image of his face and an X splashed across the side during the federal election in 2015.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA – Seven of the eight groups or businesses challenging last year’s pro-abortion Canada Summer Jobs attestation on constitutional grounds received a setback in federal court Feb. 22.

Published in Canada

Former federal justice minister Jody Wilson-Raybould has become a Canadian hero for her courage in resisting political pressure from the Prime Minister’s Office to interfere in a court case against the Montreal-based contractor SNC-Lavalin.

Published in Register Columnists
JUBA, South Sudan – South Sudan's peace deal is fatally flawed, the country's bishops said as they committed the church to helping forge new negotiations. They also recommended a series of measures to end the conflict.
Published in International
VATICAN – What makes a politician "Catholic" is not party affiliation, but dedication to promoting the common good, particularly through listening to and empowering people who often are overlooked, Pope Francis said.
Published in International