Words are powerful tools for good... and evil

“Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime.”

Church caught in a hail of unfriendly fire

The Catholic Church in Nova Scotia has recently been exposed to unfriendly fire.

We are all on this life journey together

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Nov. 5 (Year A) Malachi 1:14-2:2, 8-10; Psalm 131; 1 Thessalonians 2:7-9, 13; Matthew 23:1-12

Comment: Science a welcome ally in pro-life fight

In the pro-life battle it’s imperative to gather ammunition that comes from outside the movement. If we are ever going to change the minds of the great mass of Canadians, we need to bring in information free of any political or social agenda — in other words, scientific research that could care less about our cause or our faith.

Sisters of Life and Catholic Christian Outreach celebrate decade of service

Anniversaries of importance for the universal Church have abounded this year — 500 years since the Reformation, 100 years since Fatima, 25 years since the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For me though, two more modest anniversaries — 10 years — were celebrated this past fortnight.

The Mustard Seed: Graduation ends a journey of pure joy

Graduating from high school or university can be a poignant moment in life’s journey. It typically marks a transition from one lifestyle to another.

Comment: Canada will be a full service death industry if we euthanize the mentally ill

During the summer I decided to take a break from speaking about euthanasia. There were several reasons. First, it was getting more and more difficult to find groups that were interested in hearing the anti-euthanasia message. Then when something was arranged only a handful of people would show up.

Comment: Weinstein a symptom of an even uglier issue

The exposure of movie mogul Harvey Weinstein’s sordid sexual predator secret is ripping the mask off the sinister nature of our supposed surprise as well.

Amid violence streets still have their moments of grace

There are few, if any, parishes in Toronto that had three shooting deaths in the first month of the year and followed them up with two more in the next few months. Add to this an epidemic of drug overdoses and a picture of lawlessness could emerge.

Faith in civil discourse waxes, then wanes

When this column cited a vicious smear campaign against Fr. James Martin, it was expected that some people would disagree with his call to build a bridge of dialogue between the Church and the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. It was also expected some would agree with his call for civil discourse. Naturally, both things occurred.

Comment: Are we a Church of slobs and mediocrity?

Mark Shea thinks the Catholic Church is a vast accumulation of slobs and mediocrities. He means it as a compliment. He contends it brings us closer to Christ.