Catholic Register Editorial

Catholic Register Editorial

The Catholic Register's editorial is published in the print and digital editions every week. Read the current and past editorials below.

It may seem odd to be extending congratulations to a committee that exists to protect Catholic educational values merely for doing its job. 

It was a humbled Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who indulged the media after his Liberal Party was returned grudgingly to Ottawa with a minority government.

Syrian Christians have been neglected, forgotten and cast aside like “the scum of the world,” charged the patriarch of the Syriac Catholic Church.

All Canadians over the age of 18 enjoy the right to vote but, for Catholics, voting is also a duty.

Canada’s newest cardinal insists he has no idea why the Pope of surprises invited him, a priest, to enter the College of Cardinals. But to anyone familiar with the resume of Cardinal Michael Czerny, the answer seems obvious.

Out of the mouths of babes has poured a passionate and brutally blunt condemnation of mankind’s contamination of God’s creation.

Unlike a year ago, when it signalled all aboard for marijuana, Ottawa needs to derail the toxic and addictive practice of vaping before it becomes a runaway train.

In some respects, the Oct. 21 federal election will be a referendum on tolerance.

In the words of Pope Francis, to give the best of oneself in sports is also a call to aspire to holiness.

September 5, 2019

Editorial: Amazon lessons

When the Amazon suffers, the world suffers.