Catholics can’t just leave politics to others

Politics is in the air — power-sharing deals in Ottawa, a federal Conservative leadership campaign and a provincial election campaign in Ontario that is sure to garner national attention.

Ukraine’s Passion at the hands of Putin

I have written that I am a man of conflicted faith. Yet though I lecture as a professor of political geography, I cannot but bear witness to Ukraine’s agony through the lens of my religion, the faith of my Ukrainian Catholic ancestors. To that I confess, wholeheartedly.

Easter hope rises even in Ukraine

Ivan and Olga (not their real names) drive quickly through the street with their infant daughter Lesia. Their fears are realized as they encounter enemy soldiers with guns levelled. Ivan steps out in front of the car, his arms raised. He glances back at the family he loves. The soldiers open fire. Olga too is executed. We don’t know what happens to Lesia.

Toward the new joy of Easter

On Ash Wednesday, March 1 this year, we began a new journey of faith — our Lenten journey. Our 40-day Lenten journey of penance and austerity brings us to the celebration of Easter: a time of joy, light and life.

Church proclaims a new culture of peace

As war and conflict rage during a prolonged pandemic, Christians prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus who offered peace as a parting gift to His disciples. 

Behold the Man, the model of humanity!

On March 20, 2022, Archbishop Christian Lépine celebrated a Thanksgiving Mass to mark the 10th anniversary of his appointment as Archbishop of Montreal.

Getting to the heart of abortion and MAiD

Since the legalization of euthanasia in Canada in 2016, I’ve had two people tell me of their parent who would be dying in this way. These were acquaintances who did not know me well, not even my last name, and yet they shared this deeply personal information. Yet in my entire life, I’ve never had even one woman mention in passing that she had an abortion. I’ve never had anyone casually tell me they accompanied someone to an abortion.

Understanding children are perfect as they are

I recently read an article reporting the reduced incidence of live births of Down syndrome across multiple European countries, attributed to increased pre-natal screening. My youngest son was born with Down syndrome in 2015, so you may imagine this kind of statistic is difficult for someone like me to learn about.

New program cause to celebrate Catholic schools

In a year when we often feel beaten down, Catholic education has something to celebrate, and it should. This year will see the completion of the grade school religion program, Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ, Grades 1 to 8. In 2023, the first kindergarten program will be published, followed by entry into secondary school with the first Grade 9 Religion program in 2024.

Anna Farrow: Church’s ‘Long Lent’ of clerical abuse

Entering the season of Lent can seem like a blessed relief. The harsh mark of ash on the forehead, the stark words of truth, “you are dust,” the stripping away of the distractions and pleasures of our earthly life to stare our mortality square in the face — all these can be received with a bracing joy.

Andrea Mrozek: A cry for kindness in the courts

In late February, an Ontario Superior Court ruled in the case of divorced parents who did not agree about vaccination for their two youngest kids, age 10 and 12. The facts in brief: a man and a woman separate after seven years of marriage. They have three kids and remain in the family court system some seven years later. The eldest lives with the father and is vaccinated. The younger two live with the mother and are unvaccinated. The father wants them to be vaccinated; the mother is hesitant.