JERUSALEM – Protesting several recent actions they described as a "systematic campaign ... against the churches and the Christian community in the Holy Land," the heads of Christian churches announced Feb. 25 they were closing of the doors of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre for an undisclosed period of time.
Published in International

JERUSALEM – Having just undergone an extensive restoration, the site of Jesus' tomb at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is at risk for significant structural failure if nothing is done to reinforce its foundations, scientists have said.

Published in Faith

Canada’s Catholic bishops have joined forces with the Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox bishops in Canada to raise money for restoration of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.

Published in International

JERUSALEM – For the first time in 200 years, experts have begun a restoration of the Edicule of the Tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where, according to Christian tradition, Jesus was laid to rest after His crucifixion.

Published in Faith

There’s nothing quite like the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to give one a sense of the origins of Christianity.

Published in International

JERUSALEM - The site where Jesus may have been tried, prior to his crucifixion, is now open to the public for the very first time.

Published in International

JERUSALEM - Half a century after a historic encounter between their predecessors, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew met in the same place to seek inspiration for Christian unity at the site of Christ's death and resurrection.

Published in A Holy Land pilgrimage