Pope Francis
VATICAN – Catholic universities are "called to be workshops of dialogue and encounter in the service of truth, justice and the defense of human dignity at every level," Pope Francis told a delegation from Pennsylvania's Villanova University.
Published in Education

OTTAWA – The founder of the Sisters of Charity of Ottawa, who opened the first hospital and bilingual school in 19th-century Bytown, has been placed on the road to sainthood by Pope Francis.

Published in Canada
VATICAN – Pope Francis met with members of the preparatory council for the Synod of Bishops for the Amazon region, which will take place in Rome in October 2019.
Published in International
VATICAN – Highlighting the plight of a seriously ill toddler in Great Britain and a severely brain-damaged man in France, Pope Francis called for greater respect for every patient's life and dignity.
Published in Faith
ROME – After circling a massive, crumbling public housing complex on the outskirts of Rome, Pope Francis had an emotional encounter with the neighborhood's children.
Published in International
ROME – On Sunday Pope Francis visited a Roman parish, telling Mass-goers to allow themselves to be moved by the immense joy of the resurrection, which overcomes sin and renews believers, allowing them to have a youthful heart.
Published in Faith
VATICAN – Christian freedom is being free from worldly ambition, fashion and passion and being open to God's will, Pope Francis said.
Published in Reflections
SANTIAGO, Chile – Victims of clergy sexual abuse welcomed Pope Francis' letter in which he apologized for underestimating the seriousness of the crisis in Chile.
Published in International
VATICAN – In a letter to the bishops of Chile, Pope Francis apologized for underestimating the seriousness of the sexual abuse crisis in the country following a recent investigation into allegations concerning Bishop Juan Barros of Osorno.
Published in International
VATICAN – Pope Francis will preside over a consistory to approve several canonizations, the Vatican announced.
Published in International
VATICAN – As a sign that God's mercy cannot be limited, Pope Francis has recommissioned his special army of priests charged with bringing that divine mercy to everyone.
Published in Call to Service

Pope Francis has once again expanded the Catholic definition of being pro-life. 

Published in Faith
VATICAN – Parents who prefer not to baptize their children in the hopes that they will "understand and ask for baptism" as adults lack faith that the Holy Spirit will act in their child's life, Pope Francis said.
Published in Faith
For the first time in 500 years, Lutherans in Sweden are welcoming Catholics to celebrate Masses in Lund cathedral. The historic cathedral, formerly the site of bitter religious feuding, has become a site of interfaith friendship since Pope Francis held a service there in 2016.
Published in International

OTTAWA – Canada’s bishops may face an unprecedented call from Parliament to formally ask Pope Francis to apologize on Canadian soil for the Church’s role in operating residential schools.

Published in Canada