Pope Francis

VATICAN CITY – The Catholic Church's five new cardinals received a warm reception from family, friends and the general public June 28 after Pope Francis inducted them into the College of Cardinals.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY – Cardinals are not called to be "princes" of the church, but to serve the people of God and tackle the sins of the world, Pope Francis told five new cardinals.

Published in Vatican

Pope Francis on Monday told believers not to look to horoscopes or to consult fortune-tellers to foresee the future; but to allow God to guide them in a journey full of surprises.

Published in Reflections

VATICAN CITY – On Tuesday Pope Francis said that the older generation should not stop striving in their spiritual lives, but that God calls them to be spiritual ‘grandparents’ to young people, who can learn from their experiences.

Published in Faith

hat was the message of Pope Francis in his homily at the daily Mass at the Casa Santa Marta on Friday morning, as the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Published in Reflections

WASHINGTON – Days after rebels in Colombia announced turning in the last of their cache of weapons over to international observers, the Vatican announced June 23 details of Pope Francis' September trip to the war-torn South American country.

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY – To the vast majority, Pope Francis is the compassionate face of Catholicism today.

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY – Common veneration of relics is one of the tools Pope Francis is using to foster ecumenical relations with the Eastern Orthodox Churches.

Published in Faith

VATICAN CITY – Better to take risk of carrying the freshness of the Gospel to others than to be a "museum Christian" afraid of change, Pope Francis told Serra International.

Published in International

ROME – Instead of “pretending to be adolescents,” parents must help young people see the blessing of growing into adulthood, Pope Francis told priests, religious, catechists and parish council members from the Diocese of Rome.

Published in Youth Speak News

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis is first of all a shepherd who makes seeking out the lost and forgotten his top priority. But he also knows that wherever he goes, the cameras and news coverage will follow.

Published in Features

VATICAN CITY – On Thursday Pope Francis met with King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, as part of the visit returning to them a long-lost royal stick of a 16th century Dutch king.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY – Christians in war-torn areas of the Middle East must never be far from priests and bishops in their country so they can feel God's closeness in the midst of suffering, Pope Francis said.

Published in Faith

It’s common for popes to search far and wide for their cardinals, but none has searched farther and wider than Pope Francis.

Published in Editorial

VATICAN CITY – It may not have been his kind of "football," and he may not have much use for his new helmet, but Pope Francis welcomed a group of NFL veterans and told them their sport has "virtues."

Published in Vatican