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With good reason, Canadians generally take it for granted that Christmas is a season of peace and goodwill. We are blessed to live in a country that slows down to let the joy of the season wash over us.

Published in Editorial

VATICAN CITY -- The Vatican unveiled the Nativity scene and lit the Christmas tree with energy-saving lights in St. Peter's Square during a late afternoon ceremony Dec. 5.

Published in Vatican

The Catholic Register is conducting its 14th annual children’s Christmas drawing contest. The top entry in each of 3 categories will receive a $100 Indigo gift certificate. The winning drawings will appear in The Register’s Christmas edition, December 22, 2024.

CAIRO, Egypt – Pope Francis sent Christmas and New Year’s greetings to Coptic Christians and all Egyptians upon the inauguration of a major Coptic cathedral, jointly opened with a larger mosque at the same complex.
Published in International
VATICAN – People find Jesus only through humble love, and once they find him, they are called to offer him the gifts of their prayer, their adoration and their care of others, Pope Francis said.
Published in Reflections

Epiphany of the Lord, Jan. 6 (Year C) Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72; Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6; Matthew 2:1-12

Published in Faith
VATICAN – The end of one year and beginning of next naturally leads people to think about the passing of time and about love, which gives time -- and everything else -- real meaning, Pope Francis said.
Published in International

Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Dec. 30 (Year C) 1 Samuel 1:20-22, 24-28; Psalm 84; 1 John 3:1-2, 21-24; Luke 2:41-52

Published in Faith
VATICAN – Delivering his formal Christmas message and blessing, Pope Francis prayed for a world where all people would recognize that they are brothers and sisters and would work for justice and for peace.
Published in Faith
VATICAN – Jesus' birth in a stable, God's coming to earth in extreme simplicity, teaches Christians that love is more valuable than anything else and is what will change the world, Pope Francis said.
Published in Reflections

Fourth Sunday of Advent, Dec. 23 (Year C) Micah 5:2-5a; Psalm 80; Hebrews 10:5-10; Luke 1:39-45

Published in Faith
VATICAN – This Christmas will people go to adore and be amazed by Jesus, or will they let themselves be detoured by distractions? Pope Francis asked.
Published in Faith

We all have a longing for a place to call “home.” For people who spend many aimless years living on the streets, “homelessness” is more than a condition of the body, it is a condition of the soul. 

Published in Register Columnists

Christmas packages come in all sorts, shapes and sizes.

Published in Guest Columnists

No memories are so sweet as those which cluster round the Infant Saviour’s festive season.

Published in Editorial