Donate to The Catholic Register
The Catholic Register is a registered charity under the Income Tax Act and provides receipts for income-tax purposes for donations of $20 or more.
We are touched and humbled by the generosity of the many readers who support our work through the kindness of donations. Your gifts make a huge difference.
All the money we receive goes towards the financial challenges we face in honouring our commitment to give spiritual nourishment to Catholics by providing dependable, faith-based reporting and analysis on the important social, religious, moral and ethical issues that shape our world.
There are three ways to make a donation and whichever you choose is greatly appreciated.
The Catholic Register does not share donor information with any outside organizations.
Thank you for your support.
Charitable Registration Number: 84212 0685 RR0001
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Please call Stephanie to discuss your Planned Giving 416-934-3410 or 1-855-441-4077 Ext. 406