Jesus gives us joy even in martyrdom, Pope Francis says
VATICAN – God sends his consolation to those in need of reassurance, even when they are facing death, Pope Francis said.
Be 'artisans of peace' in your daily life this Advent, Pope Francis says
VATICAN – The Advent season is a time of preparation for the coming of the prince of peace and not a time of making war with those around you, Pope Francis said.
Examine your lives daily, prepare for Judgement Day, Pope Francis says
VATICAN CITY – People would be wise to think about Judgment Day and wonder what God will see when he examines their lives, Pope Francis said.
Spending more money than we need is the enemy of generosity, Pope Francis says
VATICAN – The desire to spend vast amounts on shopping and needless extravagances can prevent Christians from being generous with others, Pope Francis said.
Bishops must be 'blameless' servants of God, not businessmen, Pope says
VATICAN – A bishop must be "blameless" and at the service of God, not of cliques, assets and power, especially if he is ever to "set right" what needs to be done for the church, Pope Francis said.
Sacraments are gifts, not for sale, Pope says at Mass
VATICAN – The sacraments are gifts from God that are given freely and are not a way for the church to fill up its coffers to cover expenses, Pope Francis said.
The meaning of life is found in self-giving service, Pope says in memorial Mass for cardinals, bishops
VATICAN – For every Christian, but especially for those called to ministry, God's gift of life is a call to serve others, Pope Francis said at a memorial Mass for bishops and cardinals who have died in the past year.
Feast of All Souls a time to remember, to hope for eternal life, Pope says
ROME – The Mass for the feast of All Souls is "realistic, concrete" in calling Catholics to remember the people and events of their past, to consider how they live today and to hope for eternal life with God and their loved ones who preceded them, Pope Francis said.
Pope closes synod with apology to young people who felt ignored by the Church
VATICAN – Speaking on behalf of all adult Catholics, Pope Francis formally closed the Synod of Bishops by asking young people for forgiveness.
Holiness comes from practicing the faith, not pious talk, Pope says
VATICAN – Following the Francigena Way, an ancient pilgrims' path, a group of about 300 synod participants and young people from Rome parishes headed to St. Peter's Basilica to pray at the apostle's tomb.