Canadian Catholic News

Canadian Catholic News

The appointment of a new bishop for an Eastern Catholic Church is attracting a lot of interest from Roman Catholics in the Archdiocese of Vancouver.

When a First Nations memorial at St. Thomas Aquinas Regional Secondary School was vandalized in the winter, the incident could have provided more fuel for ongoing residential school tensions that have spread across Canada since last summer.

VANVOUVER - While she was executive director of the pro-life group Vancouver’s Life Community, Annabelle Chong heard many stories from faithful Catholics who had to be cautious what they said in the workplace when hot-button subjects like abortion, same-sex marriage and transgender rights came up for discussion.

A Maple Ridge, B.C., woman has launched an initiative whose goal is to pair each of the Vancouver archdiocese’s 200-plus priests with a woman who is committed to praying for him every day.

When it comes to vocational discernment some people don’t need to search, while others find a call to military service amongst the patchworked fruits of a short stint in seminary. 

News of a leaked document pointing to the possible overturning of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court constitutes a moral victory of sorts for the pro-life movement in Canada, but few pro-life representatives think there will be any immediate or similar impact here.

The Archdiocese of Vancouver released an apology on Mother’s Day weekend for its role in what has been called Canada’s “post-war adoption mandate” that led to the forced separation of unmarried mothers from their children.

Vancouver Archbishop Michael Miller says Pope Francis has set in motion a “pilgrimage of closeness” between the Catholic Church and Canada’s First Nation, Metis and Inuit peoples with his historic apology.

The Archdiocese of Vancouver will conduct a review of how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the Church in Vancouver, how the archdiocese responded and what, if anything, should be done to improve responses in future emergencies.

Saskatoon-born singer-songwriter Kay Clarity hadn’t expected to launch her new pop music project Pax Paloma in mid-February, but witnessing the isolation and loneliness from the pandemic brought about a change of heart for the Catholic artist.