Was there a little help from a friend?
ST. LOUIS -- Before the St. Louis Blues beat the Boston Bruins in Game 7 on June 12 to win the Stanley Cup for the first time in the team’s 52-year history, Twitter was alive with hopes for a little divine intervention for such a victory — maybe even from St. John Paul II.
Patriarch criticizes European governments on immigration
NAPLES, Italy -- The Mediterranean Sea, which has been and again could be a route for a meeting of peoples and cultures, instead is a "border not to be crossed" between the poor South and the wealthy North, said Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople.
Vatican official praises Catholic media for coverage of sex abuse crisis
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -- In a remarkably frank and detailed speech, the Vatican official heading the department charged with reviewing clergy sexual abuse allegations told an assembly of Catholic journalists that his investigators and the press "share the same goal, which is the protection of minors, and we have the same wish to leave the world a little better than how we found it."
Young adult leaders gather for post-synod discussion
VATICAN CITY -- Catholic young adults felt the hierarchy started listening to them in preparation for the 2018 Synod of Bishops on young people, and they will do whatever they can to make sure their voices continue to be heard, said a youth minister from New Zealand.
Use of term 'viri probati' questioned by Synod bishop
VATICAN CITY -- While the upcoming Synod of Bishops on the Amazon aims to highlight the damage wrought by climate change and exploitation, the possibility of ordaining married men to minister in remote areas of the rainforest continues to garner more attention.
Mass returns to Notre-Dame
PARIS -- The archbishop of Paris wore a hard hat as he celebrated the first Mass in Notre Dame Cathedral since a huge blaze devastated the landmark building in April.
Don't let quake shake your hope, Pope Francis tells earthquake survivors
CAMERINO, Italy -- Wearing a firefighter's helmet painted white and gold for the occasion, Pope Francis entered the earthquake-damaged cathedral in Camerino and prayed before a statue of Mary missing the top of its head.
Married priests on synod agenda
VATICAN CITY -- An upcoming Synod of Bishops will study the feasibility of ordaining married men in the Amazon region to compensate for a shortage of priests.
Holy site preparing for more repair work
JERUSALEM -- Following the successful cooperation on the 2016 restoration of the Edicule in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the leaders of the three churches who serve as guardians of the holy site have signed an agreement to continue with restorations, this time on the pavement and foundations around the tomb.
God's Word on Sunday: Blessings flow through many channels
Body and Blood of Christ, June 23 (Year C) Genesis 14:18-20; Psalm 110; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26; Luke 9:11b-17
There is always more than meets the eye in the Scriptures and much that begs for elaboration and explanation.
Plane speaking: Behind the scenes of the Pope's in-flight press conferences
VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis’ in-flight news conferences are arguably less newsy than when his pontificate began, mostly because he has been insisting the past few years that most of the questions refer to the trip that is concluding.