The Easter Triduum leads to understanding of Passion
On Ash Wednesday, the mark of ashes on our foreheads led us into our journey of faith in the Holy Season of Lent. Throughout this journey, we have tried to make some progress in our spiritual lives so we can be ready to celebrate Easter.
If you cannot say 'no' to yourself, you cannot say 'yes' to serving others, papal preacher says
Five wounds of Christ: Pope urges recovery of traditional devotion
Present in the Eucharist, Jesus transforms those who receive him, Pope says
Robert Kinghorn: Young evangelists heed cries of the poor
Recently I found myself in the basement of a downtown church surrounded by a confirmation class of children, teachers and parents. The church sits in an area where the outreach of the Church on the Street is most challenging, and the class had responded to the call of Pope Francis in The Joy of the Gospel: “We cannot passively and calmly wait in our church buildings; we need to move from a passive ministry of mere conservation to a decidedly missionary pastoral mission.”