Document on family develops doctrine, doesn't change it, says Schonborn
VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis' document on the family reflects an "organic development" of Church teaching and doctrine, said Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schonborn, theologian and participant in both Synods that dealt with the topic.
Gestures, spirituality are essential in family life, Pope says
VATICAN CITY – Simple gestures such as a kind look or a morning kiss and family prayer can strengthen couples in living out their vocation to marriage, Pope Francis said in his apostolic exhortation.
Share truth of family with mercy, Pope says in apostolic exhortation
VATICAN CITY – The same mercy and patience that are essential for building a strong family must be shown to those whose families are in trouble or have broken up, Pope Francis said in his highly anticipated post-synodal apostolic exhortation.
Jesus invites us to be one with the Father
Fourth Sunday of Easter (Year C) April 17 (Acts 13:14, 43-52; Psalm 100; Revelation 7:9, 14b-17; John 10:27-30)
There are many ways to relate a series of events, poetic, scientific, artistic and journalistic modes among them. When most people hear the word “history” they think of a straight-forward narration of unvarnished “facts.” Nothing could be farther from the truth. There is no such thing as an unbiased or dispassionate narrator — everyone has a point to make, an axe to grind, an agenda to address or an ideology to advance. This should not really surprise anyone, and there is nothing nefarious or sinister about it.
Papal exhortation expected to stress broader conception of family
VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis’ landmark text on the family, scheduled for release on Friday, is expected to encourage a more open attitude toward the non-nuclear family but contain no change in Church doctrine.
Pope to visit Lesbos to highlight plight of refugees
VATICAN CITY - In an effort to highlight the dramatic situation of refugees left in limbo on the Greek island of Lesbos, Pope Francis and other Christian leaders will meet with the migrants April 16.
Naming our fear helps us live with it
Fear is the heartbeat of the powerless. So writes Cor de Jonghe. That’s true. We can deal with most everything, except fear.
Pope blesses eyes of Ohio girl going blind
VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis blessed the eyes of an American girl who suffers from a genetic condition that will make her blind, in a visit to the Vatican described as a “miracle” by her father.
Pope meets head of traditionalist Society of St. Pius X
VATICAN CITY - As discussions continue between Vatican officials and leaders of the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X, Pope Francis met at the Vatican with Bishop Bernard Fellay, head of the society.
Pope asks for new Catholic institutions of mercy, charity
VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis asked Catholic dioceses around the world to set up a permanent memorial of the Year of Mercy by establishing a hospital, home for the aged or school in an under-served area.
Pope breaks record on Instagram
VATICAN CITY - With a simple tap, Pope Francis joined Instagram and quickly set a record for gaining one million followers.