What dark nights do for us
After Mother Teresa died, her diaries revealed something that shocked many people. During the last 60 years of her life she struggled to imagine that God existed and had no affective experience of either the person or the existence of God. Yet, during all those years, everything in her life incarnated and radiated an exceptional, one-in-a-hundred-million selflessness, altruism and faith commitment.
Windsorite taught us how to live the Bible
With the sudden death of my Basilian confrère Fr. Ulysse (Bud) Paré on March 25, many tributes and accolades will rightly be heaped upon him for his academic accomplishments, first at the University of Toronto, then at Rome’s Pontifical Biblical Institute and at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. His many former students at St. Thomas More College in Saskatoon, the University of Toronto, Assumption University in Windsor and most recently at St. Peter’s Seminary in London will fondly recall his clear, dynamic presentations on exegetical methods and hermeneutical interpretation of the Bible.
Striking gold with a Lenten prayer vigil
Did I really want to spend a long evening sitting alone in a chapel — not getting done any of the things I wanted to get done, not visiting any of the people I wanted to visit, not having any of the adventures I wanted on a Friday night? Instead, a seven to midnight Lenten prayer vigil.
Our deeper way of praying
When we no longer know how to pray, the Spirit, in groans too deep for words, prays through us.
Jesus died in agony trusting absolutely in the Father
Passion Sunday (Year A) April 13 (Isaiah 50:4-7; Psalm 22; Philippians 2:6-11; Matthew 26:14-27:66)
There is a great difference between passivity and non-violence. People often confuse the two, but the first is something to overcome while the latter is a powerful spiritual principle.
Laval, Marie de l'Incarnation decreed saints
VATICAN CITY - Without a canonization ceremony, Pope Francis declared three new saints for the Americas, pioneers of the Catholic Church in Canada and Brazil.
Sainthood rites for John Paul II, John XXIII to be beamed around the world
VATICAN CITY - While millions of pilgrims are expected to attend the Catholic Church’s first-ever double canonization at the end of April, the Vatican is preparing its most ambitious TV and social media campaign for the millions who don’t make it to Rome.
Pope asks Curia to find ways to implement 'Joy of Gospel' in its work
VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis called together the heads of all Vatican offices to discuss how they could integrate into their work the teaching of his apostolic exhortation, "Evangelii Gaudium" ("The Joy of the Gospel").
Pope Francis urges Salesians to continue caring for world's youth, vocations
VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis encouraged the Salesians in their work with young people, saying that religious vocations are the fruit of good pastoral youth ministry.
Pope Francis confirms heads of Vatican curial agencies
VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis confirmed the head of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life and named among its new members Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Australian Cardinal George Pell, and Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin of Indianapolis.
Jerusalem patriarch says Pope Francis' May trip to focus on Christian unity
JERUSALEM - When Pope Francis visits the Holy Land in May, he will follow the pattern he set last year in Brazil by meeting with the leaders of the three nations he will visit as well as with the less fortunate.