Pope Francis calls for a 'contagion' of Easter hope
VATICAN CITY -- In an Easter celebration like no other, Pope Francis prayed that Christ, "who has already defeated death and opened for us the way to eternal salvation," would "dispel the darkness of our suffering humanity and lead us into the light of his glorious day, a day that knows no end."
God's Word on Sunday: Spirit ignites the power of community
Second Sunday of Easter, April 19 (Year A) Acts 2:42-47; Psalm 118; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31
The quality of the communal life of the early Christian communities was a major source of their power and growth. It was certainly not a once-a-week experience, but an experience of sharing their lives.
Easter proclaims the victory of life even amid pandemic, Pope Francis says at Easter Vigil
VATICAN CITY -- In a dark and nearly empty St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis blessed a fire, lit the Easter candle and called Christians to keep kindling sparks of hope, knowing that Jesus has risen and death will not have the last word.
On Good Friday papal preacher reminds COVID-19 not divine punishment
VATICAN CITY -- The coronavirus is not some form of divine punishment but a tragic event that, like all suffering in one's life, is used by God to awaken humanity, said the preacher of the papal household.
On Holy Thursday, Pope Francis thanks God for world's priests
VATICAN CITY -- Unable to invite Rome's priests to mark Holy Thursday in St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis thanked all priests for their service and called those who died ministering to the sick and health care workers part of the community of "saints next door."
Pope Francis sets up commission to study women deacons
VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis has established a new "Study Commission on the Female Diaconate" as a follow-up to a previous group that studied the history of women deacons in the New Testament and the early Christian communities.
Pandemic is prime time for conversion, Pope Francis says in interview
VATICAN CITY -- The COVID-19 quarantines, lockdowns and stay-at-home orders are the perfect opportunity for conversion: for individuals, for the church and for governments, Pope Francis said in an interview.
God's Word on Sunday: A hurting world needs this good news
Resurrection of the Lord, April 12 (Year A) Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Psalm 118; Colossians 3:1-4; John 20:1-18
When is good news truly good news? When it comes at the right time, giving people hope and comfort.
Mary Marrocco: This is an opportunity to really listen
A young woman told me how she almost took her own life at 21. Not because she had no friends or family (she knew she did) but because she felt alone in her pain, isolated in the anguish she had carried so long, and convinced nobody could hear.
Pope Francis moves Good Friday collection for Holy Land to September
VATICAN CITY -- With Holy Week celebrations closed to the public due to the coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis postponed the traditional Good Friday collection for the Holy Land to September.
Vatican approves special 'Mass in the Time of Pandemic'
VATICAN CITY -- The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments has approved a special "Mass in the Time of Pandemic" to plead for God's mercy and gift of strength in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.