Liturgy needs 'language of flowers', but not during Lent
Pope Francis’ seventh year will be ‘synodal’, Vatican spokesman says
Benedictine abbot leads Pope, Roman Curia in Lenten retreat
Avoid temptation, don't engage with the devil, Pope says at Angelus
Answering God's call demands courage to take a risk, Pope Francis says
God's Word on Sunday: It’s a good time to count God’s blessings
First Sunday of Lent, March 10 (Year C) Deuteronomy 26:4-10; Psalm 91; Romans 10:8-13; Luke 4:1-13
God is purifying the church with 'unbearable' pain of abuse scandal, Pope Francis says
Cardinal Collins sends a message of giving for Lent
Cardinal Thomas Collins is calling on Catholics to remember the importance of almsgiving this Lenten season.
Lent begins with reminder of all that fades away, Pope Francis says
Mary Marrocco: The gift of tears unlocks healing spirit
Her body is thin and tense. It carries the anguish, the hurts and false steps, of years. Her face does not as yet reveal the pain she’s known in her young life. She doesn’t cry. Alone, sometimes, she has bursts of uncontrollable stormy tears. Never the gentle kind and never for long.
Fr. Yaw Acheampong: Lent is an invitation to a fruitful stewardship
The start of every new season is exciting and full of possibilities. Think of how happy people are when they see the first signs of spring, or, when the first day of school arrives, or, for baseball fans, the excitement they feel on the day of the season opener.