Pope approves provisions to recognize marriages of SSPX faithful
VATICAN CITY – Continuing initiatives aimed at a reconciliation with the Society of St. Pius X, Pope Francis has made it possible for bishops to ensure the validity of marriages celebrated in the traditionalist communities.
ISIS captive among new Syrian refugees welcomed by Pope Francis
VATICAN CITY – The Vatican has taken in three new Syrian families, some members of which were ISIS prisoners before gaining freedom and fleeing the country.
Pope asks evangelization council to oversee Catholic shrines
VATICAN CITY – Highlighting Catholic shrines' potential to strengthen the faith of Catholics and draw people to Christianity, Pope Francis transferred responsibility for coordinating the activity of shrines to the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization.
Development must focus on dignity, officials say on 'Populorum Progressio' anniversary.
VATICAN CITY – The Catholic Church's commitment to promoting justice, defending human dignity, building peace and promoting development is a response to a Christian vision of the world and its purpose, which ultimately is to reach happiness with God, Vatican officials said at a conference.
It's no secret the last three popes share close bond to Fatima
VATICAN CITY – Recent popes have had a special affection for Our Lady of Fatima, but no pope's connection can match that of St. John Paul II.
Acknowledgement, respect is the least the Church can do, say abuse survivors
VATICAN CITY – Acknowledging correspondence and treating victims with respect is the very least church officials can offer, said survivors of clergy sex abuse.
Cross Catholic's gift boxes bring joy to children in Haiti
LES CAYES, Haiti – Teenager Syndia Joseph said she had never received a gift in her life.
Scientists: Recently restored Jesus' tomb faces major risk of collapse
JERUSALEM – Having just undergone an extensive restoration, the site of Jesus' tomb at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is at risk for significant structural failure if nothing is done to reinforce its foundations, scientists have said.
‘Put behind prejudice, forgive past sins,’ Pope on Lutheran Reformation
VATICAN CITY – Serious research on Martin Luther can help heal relations between Catholics and Protestants, highlight what was legitimate about the Reformation and pinpoint the errors and sins that led to the division of the church, Pope Francis said.
Living water of Jesus will satisfy our thirst
Growing up by the shores of one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world, I never thought of water as a resource needing to be conserved, or an essential commodity over which people would fight wars.
Death can be our final gift to others
Fr. Ron Rolheiser will be a leader at the 2017 National Catholic Mission, addressing the theme “Our final gift,” based on Fr. Henri Nouwen’s thesis that death can be our final gift to others. Fr. Rolheiser addressed that concept in a 2001 column reprinted here with his blessing.