Catholic Register Staff
The Archdiocese of Toronto is throwing its support behind a new campaign that is encouraging all levels of government to provide better access to quality care and resources for people to steer them away from an expanded medical assistance in dying (MAiD) regime.
Readers Speak Out: October 30, 2022
Habits of being
The article in your Oct. 16 issue referencing Fr. Dan Donovan’s art collection, which covers much of the available wall space at the University of St. Michael’s College, contains a line that surprised me: “The priest learned long ago that categorizing art and artists along denominational lines can distort and block any real understanding.”
Readers Speak Out: October 23, 2022
Magazine huzzahs
I want to extend my congratulations to the staff of The Catholic Register for the excellent commemorative magazine Penance and Progress. The articles are thorough and thought-provoking.
Readers Speak Out: October 16, 2022
Blocking transparency
I find the Oct. 2 editorial “Rebuild trust” mind boggling.
Readers Speak Out: October 9, 2022
Shrine on
Michael Swan’s Sept. 24 article on the Martyrs’ Shrine tells us the community is making efforts to be more welcoming to all Indigenous peoples, including giving them free access to the site. It’s a commendable approach that genuinely helps promote reconciliation and solidarity.
Friars' Student Writing Contest 2024
The Franciscan Friars of the Atonement-Graymoor, the Office for Promoting Christian Unity of the Archdiocese of Toronto, and The Catholic Register are proud to present the 2024 Friars' Student Writing Contest.
Archdiocese of Toronto announces first annual collection for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
The letter issued by Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, announcing the first annual collection for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
Readers Speak Out: October 2, 2022
Historic wash out
I am having a hard time justifying renewing my subscription when The Catholic Register completely misrepresents the Royal Proclamation of 1763.
Ground-breaking YSN finds a new home online
The Catholic Register’s popular Youth Speak News feature will evolve into a vibrant new online platform over the coming months to meet teenage and young adult Catholics where they live.
Readers Speak Out: September 25, 2022
Distinctly Indigenous
Beyond apologies and reparations, the Canadian Catholic Church needs to make fundamental changes to its relations with Indigenous peoples. After almost 400 years, the Church has produced only a tiny number of Indigenous clergy. The main reason is the requirement of clerical celibacy that goes against the fundamental Indigenous values of family and kin relationships.