BEIJING - Some time after Easter, Pope Benedict XVI was to issue a letter to Chinese Catholics that many hope will call for reconciliation and unity between those who have registered with the government and those who have not registered.

“The opposite of ‘Catholic’ is not ‘Protestant’, but rather ‘sectarian,’ ” says Jesuit Father Mark Massa, co-director of the Curran Centre for American Catholic Studies at Fordham University in New York City.
In the growing debate over euthanasia and doctor-assisted suicide, one significant argument has too often been missing in action. In church circles at least, we forget to show the very human side of those most affected by any expansion of euthanasia.
Pope Benedict XVI denounced the high-tech trend that encourages parents to seek the “perfect child” through genetic selection.

Children won’t be lifted out of poverty in Ontario unless politicians start committing to reduce poverty rates that have remained stubbornly high despite a booming economy, Campaign 2000 declared with the release of yet another Report Card on Child Poverty in Ontario.

{mosimage}Editor’s note: With the growth of ethnic and religious diversity in Canada, there is a growing debate over religious education and whether it should be supported with tax dollars. In this essay, Peter Lauwers analyses the debate and offers a cogent argument for state funding of religious education.


TORONTO - Church unity hasn’t happened yet, but Catholics and Anglicans have a new list of concrete suggestions for ways to bring the two churches closer.

{mosimage}The market won’t save Canadian medicine, and Canadian Medical Association leaders who are suggesting private health insurance and a parallel system of private clinics and hospitals are ignoring the scientific evidence, said a Catholic doctor.

{mosimage}On June 10, 2006, the unveiling of the memorial to the Manhattan firefighters who had given their lives in the Sept. 11, 2001 World Trade Centre disaster took place. The New York Times described the memorial as “ bold, literal, almost neo-classical.” One important onlooker was University of St. Michael’s College graduate, Viggo Rambusch, a liturgical artist and restoration specialist whose firm created the memorial.

{mosimage}Editor’s note: On Oct. 10, Ontario voters will return to the polls to choose a provincial government. In the run-up to the election, there will be numerous “election guides” issued by many different interest groups to highlight their particular concerns. While they all have their importance, The Catholic Register is using this opportunity to highlight the 2007 Election Guide issued by Catholic Charities of the archdiocese of Toronto.