It isn’t just during a time of pandemic that the world has an overwhelming need for hope. It’s something that is always on the agenda in Ontario’s Catholic schools, says Anne O’Brien.

When the call went out amid the global pandemic for 3D printers to make parts for face shields, St. James Catholic High School principal Mike MacPherson immediately thought of his technology teachers Mike Moore and Kevin Reid.

When retired nurse Hedda Canlas first heard about the outbreak of COVID-19 in Canada, her response was immediate. “Can I volunteer?” she wondered.

As people grapple with the new realties of daily life ravaged by COVID-19, it’s hard to believe the world will ever be the same.

EDMONTON -- At 85, most priests would be content to mark six decades of priesthood with quiet retirement. But not Fr. Don Stein.

The Church in Toronto has a Lenten treasure that ends not with a whimper but a bang.

This year’s Anthony Jordan Lecture Series is celebrating the roots of Newman Theological College.

The University of St. Michael’s College is better than good if you want to study that magical millennium between 500 and 1500.

BARRY’S BAY, ONT. -- Seven months into his job as president of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College, Ryan Williams has moved well past the phase of getting to know the campus.

As someone whose life was disrupted at an early age by the ravages of war, Fr. Sami Helewa, SJ, understands the plight of the refugee who has escaped their homeland to call elsewhere home.