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EDMONTON -- Zeny David will have warm clothing this winter and still be able to afford groceries.

A new study echoes what several others have found since the implementation of the Canada Child Benefit: poverty is declining in Canada with a significant drop in food insecurity among low-income families.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul plans to take its operations to the next level as it moves into the new decade.

Poverty isn’t always misfortune or bad luck. Sometimes it’s a vocation.

You would think people might notice the poor.

When Archbishop Anthony Mancini of Halifax-Yarmouth visits his old friend Sr. Nuala Kenny, he likes to find a chair and get comfortable.

As Canada commemorates Remembrance Day, a group of university students plan to conduct their own research of the World Wars.

From coverage that’s been splashed across both Catholic and secular media, you might suppose the Synod on the Amazon was all about long-standing bones of contention between liberal and conservative Catholics – married priests, authoritative roles for women, liturgies that don’t look like a pontifical high Mass. But it wasn’t really about any of that. It was actually about the Amazon.

If you ever wondered why we can’t all just be friends, why political divisions tear at the fabric of nations and even religions, a sociologist at Brescia College has some new insights. Maybe we’re just born that way.

Of all the stained glass windows we have at St. Mary’s University in Calgary my favourite may well be an image of the Christ child with the “doctors” of the temple (Luke 2:41-52) which is installed in our library, St. Basil’s Hall.