TORONTO – Parents have a lot of things to worry about on the first day of school. Whether or not their child arrives safely should not be one of them.

Along his journey as a student, teacher and now director of education at Canada’s largest Catholic school board, Rory McGuckin leaned on Catholic leaders for guidance.

Peace, order, good government — that’s all Jomanah Chahrour’s family needed to succeed when they arrived in Edmonton almost six years ago, fleeing Syria’s chaotic, brutalizing civil war.

Although religious communities no longer have a daily presence in most Ontario schools, a soon-to-be completed film hopes to ensure their efforts in establishing Catholic education are not forgotten.

A group of Catholic students from Cambridge, Ont., hope a once-ina- lifetime opportunity to conduct an experiment at the world-famous CERN laboratory in Switzerland will help change the way scientists view the world.

Younger, smarter, rooted in Scripture, based on tradition, more feminine, better connected with other Christians, more aware of other faiths.

The path to reconciliation between Canada and its First Nations’ people will ultimately be a long journey. Too large of a schism has developed among the two cultures over 400 years, with the newcomers overwhelming the founding nations.

VATICAN CITY – To understand the current situation in Iraq – the evolving and complex conflicts there, and the fear and resilience of its Christians – one has to understand its past, which is often ignored or unknown in the West, said a former papal representative to the country.

VATICAN CITY – When an influential Jesuit-run journal criticized U.S. politics in mid-July, it was not the first time it had caused controversy in the United States.

A flowing white wedding gown is not an everyday sight along the busy streets of Rome.