There are a million Catholic complaints about Christmas.

OTTAWA – An Ottawa priest is hoping a book made for children can deliver a very serious Christmas message for adults, too.

Every December, a package from the Holy Land arrives on Hikmat Dandan’s doorstep. Inside are 65 hand-drawn Christmas cards in different shapes, sizes and colours.

JOHANNESBURG – Pax Christi International, the Catholic peace movement, said it will build up young people to contribute to peace and justice in Africa, noting that children are the continent's greatest resource.

While Canada resettled more than 35,000 refugees from Syria over the last 12 months and brought refugee processing times down to eight months for privately sponsored refugees from Lebanon, refugees in Ethiopia languish more than six years in the system and Church groups are discouraged from sponsoring Africans.

As the world focuses most of its attention on Syria, East Africa and its nine million refugees — 26 per cent of the world’s refugee population — is facing another wave of failed states, civil wars and ethnic cleansing.

For the first time, a not-so-little piece of Cape Breton is standing tall in Boston’s downtown this Christmas season, keeping alive a tradition that has its roots in a tragedy that rocked Nova Scotia 99 years ago.

Catholic Register's latest special is about life and family. Click here to check out all of our feature stories!

For the last three years Ontario’s Liberal government has opened up its budget-making process to anybody with an Internet connection and each year among the most frequent suggestions is de-funding the Catholic school system.