Canada is one of the most diverse countries in the world, representing the love of the Living God in distinct and beautiful cultures.
Investing in hospital ministry a wise – and healthy – choice
By Catholic Register StaffHospital ministry is an extension of Jesus’ compassionate presence in our lives today.
War: A hands-on history lesson
ByAs Canada commemorates Remembrance Day, a group of university students plan to conduct their own research of the World Wars.
Synod shows signs of growth for ‘a different Church’
By Michael Swan, The Catholic RegisterFrom coverage that’s been splashed across both Catholic and secular media, you might suppose the Synod on the Amazon was all about long-standing bones of contention between liberal and conservative Catholics – married priests, authoritative roles for women, liturgies that don’t look like a pontifical high Mass. But it wasn’t really about any of that. It was actually about the Amazon.
Executor carries a heavy load
By Catholic Register StaffAn executor is a person named in a Will to deal with the deceased’s estate after they die.
It’s a win-win situation with gift of insurance
By Nerisssa Flores, Catholic Register SpecialBill Olynyk often wondered how he could further support his parish, St. Mary’s in Barrie, Ont.
Legacy Society says ‘thanks’ to donors
By Mickey Conlon, The Catholic RegisterRetirement brought an end to what Catherine von Zuben called “35 wonderful years in education” where she felt she made a difference in the lives of children under her care.
Gifts in kind offer a ‘fair’ challenge
By Mickey Conlon, The Catholic RegisterA gift in kind to your favourite charity is always good for a tax receipt, but arriving at the gift’s fair market value can be difficult.
Pre-planning brings some peace of mind
ByPlanning for a funeral — let alone your own — can be a stressful task.
Funeral Mass offers a fitting farewell
By Fr. Yaw Acheampong, Catholic Register SpecialRecently a priest friend of mine who is serving in another diocese shared with me a story about the death of one of his parishioners.
The reality of death, taxes … and probate
By Catholic Register SpecialYour death may be end of life, but it’s not the end of the bills. Aside from burial costs and cleaning up the monthly household bills, the executor of the estate will usually be faced with probate fees.