Jean Ko Din in Panama: World Youth Day is a vision of heaven
By Jean Ko Din, The Catholic RegisterJean Ko Din in Panama: Renewing my devotion to Mary at World Youth Day
By Jean Ko Din, The Catholic RegisterA whole other world outside World Youth Day
By Manuel Rueda, Catholic News ServicePANAMA CITY
Panama City will be packed during World Youth Day, especially along the “Cinta Costera,” where most events will be held.
Panama pilgrims packing plenty of anticipation
By Thandiwe Konguavi, Canadian Catholic NewsEDMONTON – A much smaller group of pilgrims than usual is heading off to World Youth Day from Edmonton this week. But the anticipation is huge.
Canadian pilgrims ready to absorb ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ experience of World Youth Day
By Jean Ko Din, The Catholic RegisterJosé Murillo is the only one in his family who hasn’t been back to Panama City since they immigrated to Canada about 12 years ago.
Dancing for the Pope in Panama, 17 years after dancing for pope in Toronto
By Jean Ko Din, The Catholic RegisterMyriam Guevara Mann still remembers looking out to a crowd of 800,000 people before she danced the biggest show of her life.
Mother's prayers take fruit in new auxiliary bishop's life, conversion
By Deborah Gyapong, Canadian Catholic NewsOTTAWA – On Guy Desrochers’ 24th birthday, his mother gave him a Bible.
Nicaraguans face greater challenges than most heading to World Youth Day
By Catholic News ServiceFifty years and counting: Serving the Church comes naturally for the Surmans
By Mickey Conlon, The Catholic RegisterStan Surman has officially been retired for more than 20 years, but not when it comes to his work at church.
Christmas Drawing Contest 2018 Winners
By Catholic Register StaffThe young artists who enter The Catholic Register’s annual Christmas drawing contest express themselves in many artistic forms.
The Register Archive: The beauty of Bethlehem never ceases
By Catholic Register StaffBethlehem has seen many changes this past century, much of it due to the effects of war and an ever dwindling Christian population — but its drawing power never ceases, especially at this time of year. The grotto of the Church of the Nativity is the destination for many — the birthplace of Christ. It was the same 99 years ago, as reported in The Catholic Register of Dec. 25, 1919: