Catholic Register Staff

Catholic Register Staff

Well done, Knights

Kudos  to the Knights of Columbus of Holy Cross Parish in Burnaby, B.C., for going ahead with their bicycle drive, Bicycles for Humanity, despite three partners suddenly pulling out, citing differences of opinion on LGBTQ issues. The Knights collect donated bikes and ship them in large containers to Africa where the poor can use them as inexpensive modes of transportation.

The Catholic Register earned 14 awards June 26 at an online ceremony honouring excellence in Christian journalism in Canada.

It’s unclear exactly what Ontario classrooms are going to look like in the fall with the realities of COVID-19, but one certainty for school boards is an extra $736 million in funding from the province.

Unjust killing

Re: Bishops join forces condemning racism (June 21):

I take offence at Archbishop Donald Bolen comparing the alleged murder of George Floyd to the passion and crucifixion of Jesus.

Five members of the Clerics of Saint-Viateur in Quebec have been arrested for alleged sexual abuse of boys over three decades.

The talents of Toronto-area Catholic musicians are being harnessed to celebrate the works of ShareLife agencies and their efforts to support those in need.

Lower class

While being allowed to visit numerous vital places but not being allowed to come to the Catholic Church, the soul’s place, I have felt like a Canadian of lower class.

Despite the go-ahead to begin celebrating Mass on June 12, Ontario dioceses continue to take a cautious approach to re-opening churches.

Beautiful sculpture

Re: Jesus 2020: A clay model for our times (April 26):

Thank you Timothy Schmalz for the most incredibly beautiful sculpture I have ever seen. I was physically and emotionally moved, as I turned to Page 6 in The Catholic Register and saw how you captured our Most Holy Lord in such beautiful movement. 

Energetic message

Congratulations on the compelling, energetic message of the May 24 edition!