Catholic Register Staff

Catholic Register Staff

June 6 marks the 75th anniversary of D-Day, one of the defining points of the Second World War as Allied forces invaded Europe for the final push to victory over Hitler.

Offensive statement

Re: Shedding light on Pius’s wartime papacy (Mar. 17):

This article surprised me and made me very sad, not because of the presentation of the topic, but because of one statement: “Polish concentration camps in 1943.”

Nigeria’s Christians

Most people know about the massacre that occurred in two mosques in New Zealand, where 50 Muslim worshippers were murdered.


Quebec’s Bill 21, which bans the wearing/display of religious symbols to those employed in “positions of authority,” is an absolute abomination and outright display of racial and religious intolerance.

No shame

Re: Windsor hospital in bubble zone battle (Mar. 24):

The organization Feminists for Action is quoted as not wanting to be “shamed” by pro-lifers. How could they be shamed when not doing anything shameful?

Unacceptable changes

As a Catholic school teacher I was very happy to hear that the PC government is committed to Catholic education in Ontario. Many Catholic and non-Catholic Christian parents still want a faith-based education for their children. 

God’s creation

Re: Healthy eating (Letters to the Editor, April 14):

All of God’s creation, animal and plant, was meant for man to use judiciously. Those who misuse or abuse any form of creation are going to have to be accountable to God. Plants are as much part of creation as are animals. 

Unfortunate statement

Re: An architect’s quest for ‘transcendence’ (April 28):

Role model

Re: Forgetting God is unthinkable (May 5):

Thank you for the article about Janet Somerville. 


As 50 years have passed since the legalization of abortion in Canada, we should acknowledge some of the early pioneers in the fight to stop the passage of this inhumane law.