Catholic Register Staff

Catholic Register Staff

The Church must uphold “the objective truths of Sacred Scripture” in the face of a secular culture that poses a grave challenge to the Christian view of family, Toronto Cardinal Thomas Collins told the Synod of Bishops meeting in the Vatican.

As a member of the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada and the Canadian Church Press, The Catholic Register adheres to a code of ethics which includes a pledge to fully attribute material reprinted from other sources. Following allegations that a freelance contributor to The Register failed to meet those standards, the article originally published on this page has been removed.
September 24, 2015

Francis in the USA


Pope Francis began his historic visit to the USA on September 22, 2015 and The Catholic Register's associate editor Michael Swan was there to cover the daily events as they unfolded.

OTTAWA- Bishop Raymond Poisson has been named by Pope Francis as new bishop of the Joliette diocese in Quebec.


The Catholic Women’s League of Canada has called on the federal government to invoke the notwithstanding clause to block implementation of physician-assisted suicide.

MONTREAL - The Canadian bishops' development agency has named its newest leader.

TORONTO - Fr. Michael Doyle, a Spiritan priest who served around the world but called Toronto home, has died. He was 82.

REGINA - Saskatchewan’s bishops are urging the province’s Catholics to raise their voices in defence of life and human dignity for all.