Ottawa basilica cancels Masses due to Freedom Convoy protest
By Quinton Amundson, The Catholic RegisterThe Freedom Convoy ensnarling the nations’s capital has led to the cancellation of Masses in churches near downtown Ottawa.
Montreal nuns intend to stand up against their eviction
By Francois Gloutnay, Catholic News ServiceMONTREAL -- On Jan. 31, a bailiff knocked on the door of the 200-odd units of the Mont-Carmel Residence, a private seniors' residence in Montreal. Auxiliary Sister Suzanne Loiselle, five other of her sisters, and all the residents received a notice of eviction from him.
Diversity on the rise at Winter Olympics
By Wendy-Ann Clarke, The Catholic RegisterRudy Sylvan knows first-hand what it feels like to compete on the international stage.
Protect ‘messy spirit’ of Ukraine’s democracy
By Michael Swan, The Catholic RegisterWhat might be called the messy, Ukrainian spirituality of democracy is threatened by more than 100,000 Russian troops on the border and a propaganda war that pretends Ukrainians and Russians are all part of one Orthodox and Slavic nation, according to the founder of the Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies in Toronto.
Caritas prepared should tanks roll
By Michael Swan, The Catholic RegisterWhether or not Russia invades, Caritas Ukraine is already at work getting people in Eastern Ukraine through all the small crises, the human-scale disasters of a war that’s dragged on for eight years.
Vatican II Bishop De Roo passes
By Catholic Register StaffBishop Remi De Roo, the former bishop of Victoria who was the world’s youngest bishop when he was appointed in 1962 at age 38 by Pope John XXIII, died Feb. 1. He was 97.
Bishops challenged to condemn Church vaccine mandates
By Quinton Amundson, The Catholic RegisterWhile the Freedom Convoy 2022 demonstration in the nation’s capital, led by thousands of Canadian truckers, dominated headlines by its sheer size, a Catholic dimension has emerged in ongoing protests against COVID-19 restrictions.
Indigenous fund helps push healing forward
By Michael Swan, The Catholic RegisterA new, independent registered charity created to disburse $30 million Canadian Catholics will raise over the next five years is a chance to forge new relationships between the Church and Indigenous Canadians, according to Odawa/Ojibway elder Rosella Kinoshameg.
Rome meeting with Canadian Indigenous delegation rescheduled for late March
By Michael Swan, The Catholic RegisterMore than two dozen Indigenous delegates, accompanied by a handful of Canadian bishops, are once again on their way to meeting Pope Francis in the last week of March.
Quebec indoor Masses to resume Feb. 7
By Quinton Amundson, The Catholic RegisterTemporary church closures lifted in New Brunswick and PEI
Calgary schools step up human trafficking fight
By Quinton Amundson, The Catholic RegisterThe Calgary Catholic School District is partnering with country music star Paul Brandt’s non-profit #NotInMyCity to raise awareness and inspire action to end sexual exploitation and trafficking.