VANCOUVER – A community built around love for people with developmental disabilities is undergoing ground-breaking changes.
Edmonton football team president shares painful past
By Thandi Konguavi, Canadian Catholic NewsEDMONTON – The mission of Catholic Social Services is to care for and lift up the most vulnerable among us.
Sex abuse document from Canada’s bishops focuses on victims, urges accountability and transparency
By Deborah Gyapong, Canadian Catholic NewsOTTAWA – Canada’s Catholic bishops’ have released a new document on sexual abuse that calls for accountability, transparency, prevention and healing as first steps to repair the considerable damage inflicted on the Church and society by decades of priestly abuse and coverups by bishops.
E-mail scam uses Cardinal Collins’ name to lure victims
By Mickey Conlon, The Catholic RegisterToronto Catholics are being warned about a new e-mail scam involving someone impersonating Cardinal Thomas Collins.
Assisted suicide plans for children unveiled at Toronto's Sick Kids hospital
By Michael Swan, The Catholic RegisterCanadian bishops working on palliative care resources for every parish
By Deborah Gyapong, Canadian Catholic NewsCORNWALL – Canada’s Catholic bishops aim to have palliative care resources available in every parish to help Catholics grapple with suffering and dying under a regime of legal euthanasia.
Canada’s religious freedom at risk in the courts and in Parliament
By Deborah Gyapong, Canadian Catholic NewsOTTAWA – Experts warned religious freedom is at risk in Canada as it is no longer seen as a fundamental right but something that can be trumped by vague “charter values” and partisan politics.
Canadian bishops’ new sex abuse guidelines focus on prevention
By Deborah Gyapong, Canadian Catholic NewsOTTAWA – New sexual abuse policies which Canada’s bishops have vowed to implement will focus on prevention, but will not include a mechanism to censure a bishop who commits or covers up an offence.
Society calls on Canadian Catholics to live out the Church's missionary nature
By Jean Ko Din, The Catholic RegisterEveryone is called to mission and this year, the Pontifical Mission Society is calling for Canadian Catholics to answer that call.
‘Don’t call it an old ladies’ home!’: Catholic home for senior women is re-discovered
By Agnieszka Krawczynski, Canadian Catholic NewsVANCOUVER – Hostelling International boasts some interesting locations for their nightly accommodations. World travellers booking with HI can spend a night in a cell at the Carleton County jail in Ottawa, in old army barracks on Jericho Beach, or inside the former Olympic Village in Whistler.