Debate on Pope's views on marriage and family will unify Church, says Weigel
By Deborah Gyapong, Canadian Catholic NewsOTTAWA – The long-running debate over Pope Francis’ views on marriage and the family will eventually result in a more unified Church, says a prominent Catholic author.
Summer jobs funding policy will be challenged in court
By Deborah Gyapong, Canadian Catholic NewsOTTAWA – The controversy over the Canada Summer Jobs pro-abortion attestation is moving to the courts.
Papal invite for apology on Canadian soil given green light
By Deborah Gyapong, Canadian Catholic NewsOTTAWA – In a rare show of unanimity, the House of Commons has overwhelmingly supported a motion to call on Pope Francis to apologize on Canadian soil for abuses that occurred at church-run residential schools.
Vigil unites a city grieving victims of Toronto van attack
By Michael Swan, The Catholic RegisterAn image of sadness, grief and defiance has been imprinted on the heart of Toronto over this past week as an informal memorial sprung up along Yonge Street and then at least 25,000 citizens walked the empty street and gathered at Mel Lastman Square for prayers, songs and words of hope on the evening of April 29.
Deacon Doyle brought a smile to one and all
By Mickey Conlon, The Catholic RegisterIf there’s one thing Deacon Peter Doyle always loved to do, it was put a smile on your face. And the earlier in the day the better.
Ottawa poised to formally seek apology in Canada from Pope Francis
By Deborah Gyapong, Canadian Catholic NewsOTTAWA – A House of Commons motion to formally ask Pope Francis to apologize on Canadian soil for the Church’s role in residential school abuses appears set to pass with near unanimous consent.
Overflow crowd mourns victims at interfaith prayer service
By Mickey Conlon, The Catholic RegisterMore and more, people question the role that prayer can bring in the face of tragedy. We hear it after every massacre in the United States and elsewhere in the world when people say we don’t want prayer, we want action on whatever was the source of the tragedy.
Pope unites two Canadian dioceses under Archbishop Prendergast
By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News ServiceOntario cities target payday loan shops
By Michael Swan, The Catholic RegisterThe sin of usury has come to the attention of city planning committees across Ontario as they begin to craft zoning laws to control the spread of payday loan stores.
Pro-life activist explores how western aid hurts African women in new documentary
By Deborah Gyapong, Canadian Catholic NewsOTTAWA – Western aid dollars are hurting, not helping, the women of Africa, says pro-life activist Obianuju Ekeocha.
London diocese rattled by ‘relicmania’
By Jean Ko Din, The Catholic RegisterThe London diocese calls it “relicmania.”