TORONTO - Convinced that Church unity can only be the result of devout prayer and serious thinking, Anglicans and Catholics are getting together to do both at St. James Anglican Cathedral in Toronto Nov. 9. 

Coming to grips with Catholicism under the Nazis


TORONTO - “Historians don’t use right or wrong. Catholics do, but historians don’t,” said Catholic Holocaust scholar Suzanne Brown-Fleming.

No denying, Canada is on slippery slope to euthanasia


Updated 11/6/14

TORONTO - Canada's health care industry is already on a slippery slope to accepting euthanasia and it may soon turn into a full-blown avalanche, warns Alex Schadenberg. 

Justin Trudeau’s ‘doctrine of double truth’


OTTAWA - Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau’s abortion policy is an example of the “doctrine of double truth” that leads to oppression, said McGill University Professor Douglas Farrow. 

The battle to save Assumption Church


WINDSOR, ONT. - Windsor’s historic Our Lady of Assumption Church closed its doors Nov. 3 while the Diocese of London considers a financial rescue package to renovate the church and reopen it again. 

Emotional, spiritual healing needed at end of life


HAMILTON, ONT. - A palliative care nurse offered moving accounts of how a person’s last days of life can be some of his or her most fulfilling, enlightening and spiritually rewarding when she spoke at Hamilton Right to Life’s Annual Respect Life Fundraiser Dinner Nov. 3. 

Exhibition honours chaplains’ service during conflict


TORONTO - For the first time in Canadian history, the men and women who ventured into war unarmed, carrying a holy book, ready to listen to and serve soldiers in distress are being remembered with a museum exhibition.

Religious freedom office can make a difference


TORONTO - Despite a tiny budget and a microscopic staff buried deep within the bureaucracy of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Canadian Ambassador for Religious Freedom Andrew Bennett insists his efforts to promote religious freedom around the world can make a real difference over time.

Canadian bishops mark 50th anniversary of decree on ecumenism


OTTAWA - Canada's Catholic bishops examine the church's connection with other Christian churches in a document marking the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council's decree on ecumenism.

Helping African women with the ‘Power of We’


For Fr. Stan Chu Ilo, the fight to help African women escape the “unacceptable conditions” in which they live is personal. 

Income-splitting for Canadian families welcomed by family groups


OTTAWA - The federal government has introduced new measures to help families keep more of their earnings in their own pockets.