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Canada's bishops on COVID-19: March 29, 2020
In place of The Catholic Register’s editorial and letters from readers, this week we are turning over this page to reprint abridged versions from a sampling of messages from Canadian bishops to the people of their dioceses as they address the COVID-19 crisis.
In a letter to priests of the Archdiocese of Toronto, Cardinal Thomas Collins said it is “essential” to proceed with Holy Week and Easter ceremonies even though every church in Canada’s largest diocese will be closed throughout the holiest days on the Church calendar.
All churches closed in Archdiocese of Toronto
After previously cancelling public celebrations of the sacraments including daily and Sunday Masses, the Archdiocese of Toronto has taken the additional step of entirely closing its churches to public access.
A message from the Publisher
These are unprecedented times as the COVID-19 pandemic forces widespread cancellations and postponements at our churches, schools, business and in all manner of social activities. But although we are urged to practice isolation and distancing, the need has seldom been greater for us to unite spiritually as communities of faith.
At The Catholic Register, that means we remain committed to publishing the newspaper each week on schedule and to maintaining our digital media in order to fulfil our mission to provide timely, accurate and faith-based reporting on how this crisis is impacting our faith communities.
We will continue to constantly update our website, which has been receiving record numbers of visitors, and to interact regularly with our readers through our social media channels and through this newsletter.
As an added measure, we have removed the pay wall to the digital edition of The Catholic Register, making this replica version of our print issue free to all our readers.
However, we have been forced to implement some extraordinary measures which may impact your ability to reach us.
During the crisis, the staff of The Catholic Register will work remotely and continue to serve our readers and advertisers by publishing the newspaper and updating our digital media outlets as best as humanly possible.
That means most telephone calls to our office will go directly to voice mail, so please be patient as messages are retrieved remotely and calls are returned as soon as possible.
We will be processing mail intermittently, which means it may take longer than normal to process subscription and renewal payments and other mail.
Your patience and understanding as we journey through these trying times is greatly appreciated.
This crisis has created hardships for several of our advertisers which none of us could have predicted even a few weeks ago. Amid so much uncertainty, making advertising decisions is more challenging than ever. We ask you to continue to support our advertisers as best you can.
We are immensely grateful to the advertisers who have continued their support of The Catholic Register during the crisis. That support is essential as we carry out our mission.
Your patience and understanding as we take care of each other through these trying times is greatly appreciated. May you experience blessings and good health as we continue on this difficult journey.
Jim O'Leary
Publisher and Editor
Readers Speak Out: March 22, 2019
The coronavirus is dominating world news, shaking all kinds of human activities and becoming a hysteria rarely seen. The fear of it might be called coronaphobia, and it could be more dangerous than the virus itself.