Luke Mandato, The Catholic Register

Luke Mandato, The Catholic Register

Luke Mandato is a general reporter for The Catholic Register.

While it might seem a good-news story that Good Shepherd Ministries served more than 1,200 meals to hundreds of grateful guests on Easter Sunday, it merely highlights a staggering trend in the rise of food bank usage in Toronto and beyond.

As both an astronomer and a Jesuit, Br. Guy Consolmagno recognizes the relationship between science and religion.

When Sacred Heart Academy opened its doors for the first time last September, it joined a growing number of schools feeding a demand for a classical Catholic education.

Youth from St. Anthony’s Parish in Toronto’s west end have put their humility and generosity on full display as they take to downtown streets to help the city’s less fortunate. 

The Ripples of Kindness Community Meal program might just be downtown Toronto’s best-kept charitable secret, with a combination of hot meals and hospitality offered each weekend to those who need it most. 

Ripples of Kindness (RoK) is an inter-faith meal program begun to combat social struggles such as homelessness, isolation and poverty. It began with two men seeing the obvious need during a walk in the heart of the city. 

St. Ignatius Parish prepared its youth for Easter in what is becoming an annual tradition at the Winnipeg parish.

On Good Friday, St. Ignatius was hosting its second Children’s Way of the Cross — an event run by and for kids. It’s an interactive and family-oriented experience that engages kids in the traditional observance of the Stations of the Cross. 

Students at a Catholic school in Brooklin, Ont., have deepened their understanding of Holy Week through the process of crafting their own personal Crosses. 

A new television program airing March 30 looks to combine sacred music performances with riveting discussions from local ministers of the Catholic Church.

This month marks 21 years since a church-led meal program began serving hot meals to those in need in Newmarket, Ont., and it shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon. 

Christian physicians in Nova Scotia have taken up the fight against the province’s College of Physicians and Surgeons over a policy that would force physicians to refer patients for euthanasia, abortion and transgender services.