At Bethlehem University education is not about personal fulfillment. It’s the only way to transform a society that has been locked in conflict with Israel for 70 years, where unemployment runs at nearly one-third of the working age population (32.4 per cent in the second quarter of 2018, according to the World Bank) and a quarter of the population lives on less than $5.50 per day.
Pope Francis praises witness of Pakistani Catholic, 'servant of God' killed in 2011
By Catholic News AgencyWomen say church leaders must listen to survivors before Vatican abuse summit
By Catholic News ServiceSalvadoran human rights office pushes courts to prosecute St. Oscar Romero assassin
By Catholic News ServiceCentral African Republic bishops call for 'day of sorrow and prayer' after massacre near cathedral
By Catholic News ServiceNigerian Catholics victimized by Boko Haram have 'unshakable faith', bishop says
By Catholic News ServiceAbuse summit ‘critical’ for Church, Cardinal O'Malley says
By Catholic News ServiceVATICAN – The universal Church will face a critical juncture when Pope Francis meets with the world’s bishops to address the abuse and protection of minors, said Boston Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley as the Vatican named members of the organizing committee for the February conference.