Make the best use of your ‘prayer power’
The Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read each day this week, Sunday, March 23 to Saturday, March 29, 2025.

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March 21, 2025
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Here are the Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read each day this week. Note that the readings are based on the New American Bible. the Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to re
Day 283 – Sunday, March 23
Luke Chapters 3-4
Read Luke 4:1-12 again.
Each time the devil tempted Him, Jesus answered by quoting Scripture from memory.
Ask God to help us to memorize the Bible verses that will enable us to resist temptation.
Have you ever tried memorizing a verse from the Bible? Try memorizing one verse that encourages you now and then say it aloud from memory. Do you notice a difference between what it feels like to read a verse and what it feels like to recite a verse from memory?
Day 284 – Monday, March 24
Luke Chapters 5-6
Read Luke 5:9-10 again.
Jesus tells Simon Peter that he will now be catching people instead of fish. What skills do you think that Peter could bring from his experience in catching fish to catching people and introducing them to the Lord?
Ask God to show us which “fish” God wants us to catch.
In your life, what or whom are you trying to catch?
Day 285 – Tuesday, March 25
Luke Chapters 7-8
Read Luke 7:44-47 again.
In the first reflection on the Gospel of Luke (Day 282) you may have asked where you fit in to the story of Christ. The verses mentioned above give us an indication of how we should play our role in this story, that is, with love and gratitude.
Ask God to help us open our hearts to love others deeply and to express gratitude for the many blessings that come our way each day.
What are five things that you are grateful for today?
Day 286 – Wednesday, March 26
Luke Chapters 9-10
Read Luke 9:5 and 10:5-11 again. In these verses Jesus tells His disciples that if they aren’t welcomed they should leave and shake the dust of the town off their feet in protest.
Ask God to help us to know when to hold on to someone or something and when to let go.
In your life, when you have experienced some sort of rejection, were you able to let go or did you spend a lot of energy trying to convince others to change their minds? Can holding on to a situation or a relationship ever stop us from finding a better one?
Day 287 – Thursday, March 27
Luke Chapters 11-12
Read Luke 11:9-13 again, and then read Luke 9:51-56.
Jesus taught His disciples how to pray in Luke Chapter 11 and told them not to hesitate to ask for spiritual gifts. However, in the verses from Luke Chapter 9 we see that Jesus rebuked James and John for misusing their spiritual gifts.
Ask God to help us to make the best use of our prayer power.
How do you think that James and John could have made better use of their power of prayer? Is there anything in the structure of the Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11:2-4) that you can apply to how you live your daily life?
Day 288 – Friday, March 28
Luke Chapters 13-14
Read Luke 13:6-9 again.
After three years many people would be tempted to cut down a tree that has not yet produced fruit. Jesus, though, told a story in which a gardener told the owner of a barren fig tree to wait another year before cutting it down. With additional care, the gardener suggested, the tree might bear fruit in the future.
Ask God to help us to have patience in praying for the “trees” in our lives to produce “fruit.”
Do you have a long-term prayer that has not yet been answered? Have you ever read about the story of St. Monica, or other saints, to help you persevere with your special prayer intention?
Day 289 – Saturday, March 29
Luke Chapters 15-16
Read Luke 15:8-10 again. In this parable friends rejoice with a woman whose hard work bore fruit.
Ask God to help us remember that whatever good work we do brings joy to others, whether here or in Heaven.
Imagine angels rejoicing in the fact that we are spending time reading the Holy Scriptures. Would thinking about our heavenly spiritual community help us to complete a difficult spiritual challenge, such as reading through the entire Bible?
A version of this story appeared in the March 23, 2025, issue of The Catholic Register with the headline "Make the best use of your ‘prayer power’".
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