
Canadian bishops call on Catholics to mark day of prayer for creation

  • August 26, 2024

Canada’s Catholics are invited to join in the global celebration of the World Day of Prayer for Creation, calling all to unite in prayer, reflection and action for the protection and preservation of our common home.

The World Day of Prayer takes place Sept. 1 under the theme “Hope and Act with Creation,” which draws inspiration from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans (8:19-25) emphasizing hope stemming from our faith and the role we have in caring for our world. It connects with Pope Francis’ message that we be stewards of creation and safeguard the environment for future generations.

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops is encouraging “dioceses, parishes and Catholic organizations to organize special liturgies, prayer services and educational initiatives to mark this important day.”

“We are called to an ecological conversion, to care for our environment as an expression of our love for God and our neighbours,” said Bishop William McGrattan, CCCB president. “On this World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, let us come together in solidarity with all people of goodwill to pray, reflect and act for the protection of our planet.”

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