{mosimage}QUEBEC CITY - Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga urged Catholics to support a campaign to get the Canadian government to appoint an ombudsperson that would scrutinize domestic mining operations overseas.

At a press conference held at the 49th International Eucharistic Congress June 20, the cardinal/archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, thanked the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace for conducting the campaign.

We're all softies at heart


It's highly unusual that journalists clap at the end of a news conference, or that you can look around and see their faces shining with joy, or the odd tear in the eye.

New priests bring new life to church


Twelve young men from Quebec, nine from new religious communities, were ordained at the 49th International Eucharistic Congress June 20, a sign of renewed life in the Catholic Church here.

Spending a little quiet time with Jesus


Adoration chapels set up throughout Quebec City to coincide with the 49th International Eucharistic Congress have proved surprisingly popular, an organizer told me the other day.

More on the numbers front


Not that we're still playing a numbers game, but hey, let's have a little fun. The other day we reported on the numbers of clerics of various hues. Today let's talk about civic pride.

The Eucharist is also service


Cardinal Marc Ouellet chafes under the criticism that his pride and joy — the International Eucharistic Congress — is little more than a week-long piety-fest. So he's been chafing a bit more than usual this week as secular media here in Quebec have focused as much on such criticism as it has on actually covering the event.

Those clerics are everywhere


Not that a Eucharistic Congress is a numbers game, but it has been readily apparent with anyone with eyes around here that the priesthood and hierarchy are very well represented indeed.

Catholic fervour of past recalled during procession


{mosimage}QUEBEC CITY - As many as 25,000 Catholics from around the world poured through the narrow streets of Quebec City June 19, accompanying the Blessed Sacrament in an outpouring of religious fervour absent from this city for at least half a century.

Reconciliation is essential to Eucharist


{mosimage}QUEBEC CITY - An international gathering of Catholics to focus on the Eucharist would be missing something essential if there were no sacrament of Reconciliation.

To that end, Quebec City's exposition grounds, where the 49th International Eucharistic Congress is taking place all week, were turned into a massive “City of Forgiveness” June 19 in order to prepare the hearts of the faithful for the Eucharist. Hundreds of priests heard countless confessions, seated in nooks and crannies around the Expo City, and thousands of pilgrims availed themselves of the sacrament.

Family faith led Platt to priesthood


{mosimage}TORONTO - After retiring from the priesthood, Fr. Edwin Platt had his connection with Corpus Christi parish come full circle when he was appointed interim administrator of the parish in Toronto’s Beach area. He was now running the parish that he had grown up in.

That was one of the highlights of Platt’s 60 years in the priesthood, which was celebrated June 8 at Corpus Christi Church. A Mass of celebration attended by Auxiliary Bishop Peter Hundt, current pastor Fr. Henry Menezes and his brother Fr. Phillip Wallace Platt, CSB, was celebrated and then about 400 friends and relatives joined in the parish hall to congratulate the 86-year old priest. 

Martyrs' Shrine to host WYD events

{mosimage}TORONTO - Events and features for the World Youth Day 2008 Ontario Regional Celebration at the Martyrs’ Shrine in Midland, Ont., keep adding on.

This event, organized by the Office of Catholic Youth, is meant to serve those unable to attend WYD festivities in Sydney Australia. It will take place July 17-20, and will host the icon of St. Paul. This icon was commissioned for the year of St. Paul by Archbishop Thomas Collins to be displayed in different parishes in the archdiocese of Toronto.