EDMONTON -- Newman Theological College has launched a new three-year Bachelor of Arts in Catholic Studies degree, targeting students who want a classical education combined with intellectual rigour and faith tradition.
Politicians at heart of Lebanon’s problems
By Michael Swan, The Catholic RegisterMaronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Rai wants a revolution in Lebanon, but not too much revolution.
Counselling offered to Vancouver clergy abuse victims
By Canadian Catholic NewsVANCOUVER -- The Archdiocese of Vancouver is following through on the first recommendation in last year’s clergy sexual abuse report by establishing an external office to handle clergy sexual abuse complaints.
Pope takes message to global stage with UN address
By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News ServiceVATICAN CITY -- When he addresses, via video message, the UN General Assembly Sept. 21, Pope Francis is expected to speak about using the coronavirus crisis as an opportunity to re-think economic, political and environmental policies in a way that will benefit humanity and the Earth.
Catholic award for attorney general ‘shocking’
By Julie Asher, Catholic News ServiceWASHINGTON -- The Association of U.S. Catholic Priests and the Catholic Mobilizing Network said they strongly object to an award the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast organizers plan to present to U.S. Attorney General William Barr during the annual breakfast, which is to be livestreamed Sept. 23 from Washington.
Empathy arises from tabernacle theft in St. Catharines
By Quinton Amundson, The Catholic RegisterParishioners of the Cathedral of St. Catharines of Alexandria were given a punch to the gut during morning Mass Sept. 8.
COVID-19 hangs over bishops’ plenary
ByOTTAWA -- The impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic on the Catholic Church in Canada will be a key theme of the first-ever online plenary assembly of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops when the annual meeting gets underway Sept. 21.
New bill may stifle freedom of conscience, religion, Malta bishops warn
By Junno Arocho Esteves, Catholic News ServiceROME -- Catholic bishops in Malta said that while they support equality and are against discrimination, they are concerned that two new bills meant to protect people's rights would instead threaten personal freedoms.
Colombian church leaders call for reconciliation, truth following protests
By Manuel Rueda, Catholic News ServiceBOGOTA, Colombia -- Bishops in Colombia prayed for the victims of police violence and urged protesters not to take justice into their own hands, following a chaotic week in which 13 people were killed during protests over law enforcement in the South American country.
Homeschoolers feeling pandemic pinch
By Wendy-Ann Clarke, The Catholic RegisterWith schools returning to semi-normal following the pandemic lockdown, traditional homeschooling families say they too are happy to resume teaching their children under some sense of normalcy.
TCDSB student trustee puts focus on mental health
By Wendy-Ann Clarke, The Catholic RegisterStudent mental health will be the top priority for 15-year-old Keith Baybayon in his new role as Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) student trustee this fall.