
{mosimage}TORONTO - It was a year of firsts this year as the first woman and first person from eastern Canada received the St. Joseph’s Award for outstanding missionary service.

Army of Mary declared schismatic

{mosimage}QUEBEC CITY - A small religious movement that follows a woman who claims to be the reincarnation of the Blessed Virgin has been declared schismatic by Cardinal Marc Ouellet, archbishop of Quebec.

Family advocates concerned with Senate report

OTTAWA - An all-party Senate report on children’s rights that recommends creating a children’s commissioner and abolishing spanking has raised concerns among some traditional family advocates.

New Saint Paul chair considers threat to Catholic education

OTTAWA - Will Catholic schools continue in Ontario? That is among the questions Saint Paul University’s first holder of The Mercy and Presentation Sisters of Newfoundland Chair in Religious Education and Catechetics said she faces as she assumes her new role.

Pro-life group loses Calgary bishop’s support

{mosimage}Calgary Bishop Fred Henry has withdrawn his support from the Calgary-based Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform.

Cardinal sees eucharistic congress battling growing secularism

WINDSOR, Ont. - Next year’s 49th International Eucharistic Congress in Quebec City will allow a renewal of faith by connecting with the “source and summit” of Christian life, the Eucharist, said Cardinal Marc Ouellet.

Jantzi Index just behind S&P, TSX

TORONTO - Buoyed by a big bank but pulled down by its lack of oil stocks, the Jantzi Social Index fell off the pace set by mainstream stock indexes in March.

Development and Peace comes to CIDA’s defence

TORONTO - The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace has jumped into the debate on whether to abolish the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).

Green Party’s May interested in the common good, but supports abortion, gay marriage

OTTAWA - Green Party Leader Elizabeth May hopes to change the conversation in Ottawa.

Though best known for its environmental stance, the Green Party also stresses social justice, fair trade instead of free trade and non-violence. But Mays views on families, communities and the common good may also attract Catholic voters and potential candidates.

Wingle to lead the OCCB

Ontario’s Catholic bishops have chosen Bishop James Wingle as president of its executive.

Catholic public servant loses court battle over union dues

OTTAWA - A Catholic public servant has lost her court battle to have her union dues diverted to charity.