New Polish saint calls people to 'contemplate God's mercy,' bishops say
By Jonathan Luxmoore, Catholic News ServiceWARSAW, Poland – The founder of the first Polish male religious order, who will be canonized in Rome June 5, calls people "to contemplate God's mercy and proclaim that God's heart is open to all," said Poland's bishops.
Deacons gather in Rome, share reflections on ministry, challenges
By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News ServiceROME – Thousands of permanent deacons and their wives began their Year of Mercy celebration by cutting straight to the heart of what it means to be a deacon, how the ministry impacts their families and the challenge of explaining their vocation to others, including bishops and priests.
Text from Corups Christi mass
Pope Francis delivered the homily at Mass being celebrated on the steps of Rome's cathedral Basilica of St. John Lateran on Thursday, to mark the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Our Lord. Below, please find the full text of the Holy Father's prepared remarks, in their official English translation.
In Eucharist, find strength to share bread, faith with others, pope says
By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News ServiceROME – A Corpus Christi procession should honor Christ's gift of himself in the Eucharist, but also should be a pledge to share bread and faith with the people of the cities and towns where the processions take place, Pope Francis said.
Vatican bank supervisory members step down over management differences
By Carol Glatz Catholic News ServiceVATICAN CITY – Two members of the Vatican bank's board of supervisors handed in their resignation over a difference in opinion concerning the bank's management.
Prayer is no magic wand; it strengthens faith in tough times, pope says
By Carol Glatz, Catholic News ServiceVATICAN CITY – Prayer is not a magic wand that fulfills your desires, but it is what helps you keep the faith when you don't understand God's will, Pope Francis said.
Holiness is courage, hope, daily conversion
"Walk in the presence of God without reproach." That’s how Pope Francis says we can journey towards holiness. During the Homily at Mass at Santa Marta Tuesday, the Pope said that for this commitment to succeed, Christians must be able to hope with courage, open themselves up to discussion, and freely welcome God's grace.
Christians live God’s love with joy, astonishment
No Christian can exist without joy: that’s what Pope Francis said in his Homily at Mass Monday morning in the chapel of the Santa Marta guesthouse. The Pope stressed that even through life’s difficulties, the Christian knows he can trust in Jesus and find hope. The Pope also reminded the faithful they should not allow riches to dominate their lives because they ultimately lead to sadness.
Vine and branches: Chaplains work to uproot radicalization in prisons
By Carol Glatz, Catholic News ServiceVATICAN CITY – With visits to detention facilities and washing the feet of the detainees, Pope Francis has placed renewed emphasis on the work of mercy of visiting prisoners.
Catholic values drive Baltimore Ravens’ coach on and off the field
By Paul Dykewicz, Catholic News ServiceBALTIMORE – The accomplishment of winning the Super Bowl in 2013 as the head coach of the Baltimore Ravens gave John Harbaugh a crowning achievement in football, but he relied on his Catholic faith to guide him and his players through a series of potentially spirit-crushing events during the past year.
Pope gets media's attention as he rebrands church, papacy, says priest
By Ed Wilkinson Catholic News, ServiceBROOKLYN, N.Y. – Pope Francis has rebranded the Catholic Church and the papacy, and the media have taken notice.
Understanding for sinners, no negotiating the truth
Announcing the word of God should never be dissociated from the understanding of human weakness. That was Pope Francis’ message during the daily Mass at the Casa Santa Marta. Commenting on the Gospel passage in which Christ speaks with the Pharisees about adultery, he said the Lord overcomes the human vision which would reduce the vision of God to a casuistic equation.
The rich who exploit the poor are bloodsuckers
Exploiting the working people to enrich oneself is like sucking blood; it’s a mortal sin. That was the message of Pope Francis during the morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta.