Catholic Register Staff

Catholic Register Staff


The Aug. 25 photograph of the return of the cross to Nagasaki Cathedral should be the first act of setting right the wrong of the bombing of Nagasaki on Aug. 9, 1945. 

The Pope, who is full of surprises, has done it again by announcing that a Canadian Jesuit priest will join 12 archbishops and bishops who will be made cardinals next month in Rome.

Among the invited bishops and cardinals present and praying at the Oct. 13 canonization of Cardinal John Henry Newman will be perhaps his biggest Canadian fan, Toronto Archbishop Cardinal Thomas Collins.

Contrary to statements made by Jesuit superior general Fr. Arturo Sosa, an international organization of Catholic exorcists said the existence of Satan as a real and personal being is a truth of Christian doctrine.

August 30, 2019

Week of Aug 30, 2019

Anti-Christian bias

Re: “Report keeps Jesuit off monument pedestal” (Aug. 11-18):

Parks Canada, members of two Indigenous groups and others say that the positioning of figures on the Champlain monument in Orillia is “racist.” They’ve now decided to make changes to it including removing a Jesuit figure as an “example of reconciliation.” 

August 22, 2019

Week of Aug 23, 2019

Thousands of Catholics gathered at locations across southern Ontario during August to greet and venerate the renowned statue of Our Lady of Fatima.

Plan B needed

In late June a prominent parishioner and Knight of Columbus died. An Honour Guard was requested by the family at the funeral. About 20 fourth-degree Knights attended in regalia — 19 in old regalia, one in new regalia.  

St. Michael’s College School is set to launch the next phase in its journey to change the culture at the Toronto all-boys’ school that led to a highly-publicized bullying scandal and the expulsion of and criminal charges laid against members of the school’s junior football team.