Catholic Register Staff

Catholic Register Staff

The Little Sisters of the Poor are returning to court to defend their exemption from the U.S. federal mandate that requires them to offer an employee health plan covering contraception, sterilizations and some drugs that can cause early abortions.

One of the more interesting annual exercises for just about any media website is to see which stories gathered the most attention over the last 12 months.

December 19, 2016

2016 Christmas Features

The Catholic Register's final special section of the year is our Christmas issue! Click here to read all of our holiday special features.

Nativity scenes are common during the Christmas season but few in Canada can match a stained glass window in a Winnipeg church for size and splendour.

For five decades, Fr. Thomas Raby held a very special place for readers of The Catholic Register. His weekly column — The Little World of Fr. Raby — was a favourite, with stories and messages that continue to resonate, even three years after his death at age 95. At right, we present one of his Christmas poems, which were a tradition for almost 40 years. As well, here is one of his Christmas columns, published Dec. 24, 1960, when the the Cold War was escalating.

One of the joys of Christmas at The Catholic Register is judging what has become perhaps our most popular annual feature — the children’s Christmas drawing contest.

As a member of the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada and the Canadian Church Press, The Catholic Register adheres to a code of ethics which includes a pledge to fully attribute material reprinted from other sources. Following allegations that a freelance contributor to The Register failed to meet those standards, the article originally published on this page has been removed.

Catholic Register's latest special is about life and family. Click here to check out all of our feature stories!

Cuba is granting pardons to to 787 prisoners in response to Pope Francis' call for clemency during the Year of Mercy.

Pope Francis warned Christians on Friday against ideologies on love and intellectual theories, saying these strip away the Flesh of the Church and ruin it. He was speaking during his Mass celebrated on Friday morning at the Santa Marta residence.