Catholic Register Staff

Catholic Register Staff

TORONTO - Christians must pay attention to the reality of evil but do so with hope-filled joy, Cardinal Thomas Collins told a packed hall at the annual Cardinal's dinner.

A comprehensive estate plan provides for the transfer of assets to designated heirs after a person’s death as well as makes provisions for management of a person’s affairs in the event they are incapable of doing so themselves while still alive. An estate plan ensures your wishes are carried out. But it must be created properly. Below Amanda J. Stacey, a partner in the Private Client Services and Charity and Not-for- Profit groups at Miller Thomson LLP., reviews some of the most common estate planning mistakes and pitfalls. 

The Archdiocese of Toronto’s $105-million fundraising campaign has surpassed $40 million in donations and pledges, due in large part to almost $700,000 contributed personally by clergy.


From Oct. 5-19 approximately 250 people will gather in Vatican City for the extraordinary synod on the family.  Pope Francis has written that the synod will discuss the "challenges of marriage, of family life, of the education of children, and the role of the family in the life of the church."

The people of the Archdiocese of Montreal have been asked to pray for popular Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte as he lies ill in hospital. 

TORONTO - If you’ve been waiting for your chance to hear Toronto’s mayoral candidates address poverty, housing, faith and ethics all at the same time — and maybe even use the word “praxis” — the Toronto Area Interfaith Council has the all-candidates event for you.

The Catholic Register is pleased to introduce our new Youth Speak News team. These 11 young people were selected from a record number of applicants to The Register's successful YSN program.


The Redemptorists of Canada have agreed to pay $20 million to settle claims from a sexual-abuse lawsuit filed in Quebec.

The following is statement from Cardinal Thomas Collins.

In 1914 the Dominion of Newfoundland was not yet part of Canada, but as part of the British Empire it too was at war. On Monday evening, Aug. 4, St. John’s soaring Catholic cathedral, the Basilica of St. John the Baptist, will host an ecumenical service to remember the precise moment 100 years ago when Newfoundland Governor Walter Davidson received a telegram informing him that England was at war.