Peter Stockland
Peter Stockland is the publisher of The Catholic Register.
Peter Stockland: Legault fails to grasp faith’s central role
Truer words have never been spoken than Cardinal Gérald Cyprien Lacroix’s methodical castigation of the Quebec government failure to consult the province’s religious believers on COVID-19 planning.
Peter Stockland: What’s the rush on Bill C-7?
A mad push appears to be on to get the federal government’s MAiD legislation out of committee and into the House of Commons for rapid passage.
Peter Stockland: Little holding power in state secularism
The old saw says nothing focuses the mind like the prospect of being hanged in the morning. I can personally attest that having a child living in a country of double beheadings runs a very close second.
Peter Stockland: Outrage drowns in the Kool-Aid
It’s been clear to me for nearing a decade that the vast majority of my fellow journalistic worker bees have drunk the Kool-Aid on MAiD.
Peter Stockland: The peril of mixing science and politics
It doesn’t diminish Pope Francis’ message on the urgency of climate change action to wish he had put a little less of the Church’s faith on what is commonly meant by “science” today.
My heart goes on … with new perspective
After effectively dying briefly three weeks ago, I’ve been thinking whether my survival really means God wants me to remain on Earth for a while yet.
Peter Stockland: Catholic identity and a Metro station
The contested renaming of Montreal’s Lionel Groulx Metro station testifies to the power of Catholic history to shape our politics even as Catholic cultural memory dims.
Peter Stockland: Chesterton’s insights defy passing of time
At dinner during a recent event, a young journalistic rising star of decidedly Calvinist conviction acknowledged G.K. Chesterton’s Orthodoxy ranks among the most inspiring books he’s read.
Peter Stockland: Cardinal sending a strong message
Near the end of June, I pulled into our parish parking lot full of gumption at the resumption of Masses after four months of COVID-forced church closures.
The board of the Irene Thomas Hospice hoped faith alone could stop the onslaught of MAiD at the 10-bed palliative care facility on Vancouver’s southeast edge.